Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.About
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Academics
Admission & Financial Aid
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Admission & Financial Aid
Student Life
Marist Commencement
Celebrating the Class of 2025
• The graduate ceremony will be on Friday, May 23.
• The undergraduate ceremony will be on Saturday, May 24.Student Life
- Athletics
Two students were discussing on the subject
Accommodations and Accessibility
Learning Support Program
Information Sessions
Learn more about Marist's Learning Support Program, the role of the Learning Specialist, the benefits of the program, and application requirements.
Click here to view a recording of a previous Learning Support Program Virtual Information Session.
The mission of the Learning Support Program at Marist is to provide students with Learning Disabilities and/or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder academic support, learning strategies, and advocacy skills through individualized support, in order to assist them in becoming independent, contributing members of the global community.
Learning Specialists work with students twice a week for 45 minutes. Our program is designed for self-motivated, hard-working, and goal-oriented students who have a need for academic support as well as accommodations. Students are fully integrated into the Marist community and are expected to meet the same graduation requirements as all other Marist students. Students entering the Learning Support Program are encouraged to have a clear understanding of their learning challenges, be willing to accept assistance, and be able to independently implement strategies taught during weekly sessions.
The Learning Support Program is a fee-based program, which provides academic support to students whose primary disability is a Learning Disability and/or ADHD*. The fee for the program is $2,850 per semester.
*If the primary diagnosis is not LD and/or ADHD, a student cannot be considered for the LSP – this is determined by the student’s IEP and/or official documentation.
Applicants to the Learning Support Program should have the following:
- A primary diagnosis of a learning disability/ADHD
- Aptitude solidly in the average range (full scale IQ of 90 or above, percentile score of 25-75%)
- A college preparatory course of study
- A commitment to work with a Learning Specialist two times a week
- One-on-one weekly meetings with a Learning Specialist
- Writing assistance
- Reading assistance
- Support with time management and organization
- Study skills
- Assistive technology support
- Self-advocacy training
- Academic advising
- Peer tutoring
- Memory techniques
- Test-taking strategies
- Note-taking support
- Referral to various campus resources (Writing Center, Math Lab, Academic Learning Center, Counseling, Career Services, etc.)
- Monthly workshops
- Online modules
LSP Modules: During the student’s first year in the Learning Support Program, there are six topics that the Learning Specialists will introduce and reinforce with the students. Students will be informed about the importance of using Campus Resources, as well as strategies for Time Management, Notetaking, Active Reading, Motivation, and Organization/Planning. These informational modules are available to students on an online portal so that they have access to them throughout their time at Marist College.
Achievement Involvement Mentorship (AIM): A program for incoming students in the Learning Support Program. Students have the opportunity to: move in three days earlier than other students, take part in a variety of social and academic activities, and work closely with upperclassmen mentors, as well as their Learning Specialists. The mentors are either current or previous participants in the Learning Support Program. This program assists the first-year students with their transition into Marist. Throughout the years, students will have opportunities to connect with their AIM mentors as needed as well as during planned AIM events.
- AIM helps the students understand that they have the ability to achieve their goals.
- AIM encourages the students to become involved while at Marist, through their academic endeavors as well as their personal interests.
- AIM offers the students the comfort of having a peer mentor to connect with as well as to learn more about Marist during their time here. It encourages students to help others as a mentor too.
Minds of All Kinds (MOAK): A support group open to all students. MOAK provides a safe space and is an opportunity to find out what being neurodivergent means – ADHD, LD, Autism. Students will develop self-knowledge and understanding. Through activities and discussions, students may talk about the challenges of their daily life. Participants can share experiences in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.
- Am I receiving academic support in high school? How much?
- Will two 45-minute sessions per week with my Learning Specialist provide enough academic support?
- Can I independently apply the strategies I am taught?
- Do I need the services of a Learning Specialist or do I only need accommodations?
Since the late 1960s, Marist College has enrolled students with diverse special educational needs, believing their similarities to other college students to be greater than their differences. In 1982, the Office of Accommodations and Accessibility formally began its Learning Support Program. The Learning Support Program focuses on the development and use of strategies that will promote independence and personal success.
Students wishing to participate in the Learning Support Program must submit the LSP application at the same time that they submit their application to Marist College.
- Undergraduate Marist Admission application
- Common application
- Marist Learning Support Program application
All applicants must submit the following information directly to the Office of Accommodations and Accessibility via U.S. Mail by the appropriate application deadline:
- LSP application fee of $25 –non-refundable - pay online.
- An essay as specified on the LSP application
- Two letters of recommendation from a resource room teacher, classroom teacher, or tutor (someone who is familiar with your learning style); these should be different from the recommendations you submit to the Office of Admission
- High school transcript
- SAT/ACT test scores are optional – If sharing, please include a paper copy with your application
- Disability documentation within 3 years:
Most recent IEP/504 Plan
Psychoeducational evaluation (WAIS or WISC) *
Educational evaluation *
*Evaluations should include the following information: diagnosis, IQ scores, subtest scores, current levels of achievement (math, reading, and written expression), narrative/history, and specific recommendations for accommodations
Application Type
Notification Date
Early Decision I
November 15
Early Action
November 15
Early Decision II
February 15
Late February
Regular Decision
February 15
When all information has been received, the entire application will be reviewed by the Office of Accommodations and Accessibility.
After applications have been reviewed, those most qualified will be invited to interview with a member of the Learning Support Program Admissions Committee. Completed applications can be mailed to:
Marist College
Learning Support Program c/o Donnelly 226
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Each year, a select group of students is chosen to participate in the Learning Support Program. The LSP is competitive and only a limited number of spaces are available for acceptance. Choosing among the numerous applicants is always difficult. Those who gain acceptance clearly demonstrate not only a need for the service, but also the determination, skill, and maturity required to manage the demands of college. Students will have to draw upon inner resources to successfully meet the many challenges they may encounter during their college experiences. We place a strong emphasis on a student’s strengths and abilities. These are the blocks upon which the Learning Support Program will build from.
Students who are a good fit for the Learning Support Program typically possess the following:
- A knowledge and acceptance of their learning disability or ADHD
- A willingness to accept assistance and access support
- An ability to independently implement strategies taught in sessions
- Self-motivation
- A desire to participate in the LSP